Training Camp

My son/daughter can’t attend the recommended Camp. Can they attend the other one?

Absolutely! That’s why we run camps over different dates. They’ll end up knowing even more people than everyone else once they get to Gothia! The coaching is based on developing individual skills so there is no need to worry about missing out on team-coaching, we’ll do this in Gothenburg on the weekend before the Gothia Cup starts.

Where do the players stay?

The players stay in boarding houses at Tonbridge School, supervised by the Prep Schools Staff who are experienced in boarding environments.

Can players choose who they share a room with?

The rooms are a mixture of sizes with the majority being single rooms. Some houses have dorms or twins available. Players can only share with their team mates. We expect players to be willing to share with anyone in their team and we don’t take requests for sharing with players they already know.

I’m worried about my child being away from home.

The coaches are aware that being away from home can be daunting. It’s important that those players worried about being away are encouraged to make as many new friends as possible.  The coaching staff do plenty of team bonding activities and monitor the group to look for anyone not joining in.

Bedwetting – I’m worried my child will wet the bed

If you let us know then we can ask Tonbridge School to fit a mattress protector onto their bed.

For the Gothia cup, we advise packing a spare sleeping bag if possible or blanket and a mattress protector to fit on the players bed. Depending on the players age, you may decide for them to wear pull-ups during the trip.

If you let us know of this issue then we can inform their Coach and instruct them to discreetly check their bed each morning.

Will an itinerary for the Camp be available?

Yes an itinerary will be published nearer to the Camp here, Camp itinerary.

My players kit hasn’t arrived in time?

If you do not have the Prep Schools kit, players should wear plain black/ navy neutral sportswear and can bring along their school or club kit. Replica kit is not acceptable as playing kit.


All medication should be clearly labelled with the name of the player and dosage instructions. If you do not have the original packaging, please put the medication in a sandwich bag with a sticky label/ sheet attached with all the information. You may wish to go through the information with the Coach directly at drop-off. Players can keep hold of their medication themselves if they are responsible enough, else this needs to be handed to the Coach.

EpiPens and Allergies

The catering team at Tonbridge have been given a list of all players with food allergies and dietary requirements. Players and Coaches will be asked before being served if they have any restrictions so they can be given a separate meal if required.

All EpiPen users need to carry their EpiPen on them at all times, parents will also need to provide a second EpiPen to their Coach.

My child has specific medical needs, who do I speak to?

A summary of medical notes including allergies, cardiac history and medications are included on the Coaches register. This information is from the original registration form you completed. If these details need updating, please email Jess. If you need to explain anything further, this should be done directly with your coach at drop-off, ideally accompanied with a written note.

Are parents allowed at the camp or to spectate?

Parents are not allowed to spectate the coaching or see the players during the camp (except in medical situations). Tonbridge School do not allow spectators on site. The purpose of Camp is for the players to bond with their teammates and to develop their independence away from their parents. The Camp helps develop responsibilities like packing their own bags, keeping to a routine and speaking up to the Coach if they need anything, which is all great practice for when they travel to the Gothia Cup. If players message you with an issue, please ask them to speak to their Coach.

Can I speak to my son/daughter at the camp?

Players are allowed to bring a mobile phone and will have a little bit of time in the evening to call their parents before phones are collected in before bedtime. Don’t worry if you do not hear from your player, this means they are either having such a great time they’ve forgotten to call or that they keep forgetting to charge their phone! Either way, if there are any emergencies the Coach has your phone number and will call you immediately.

My son wants to take his iPhone, iPod or iPad. Is this a good idea?

We strongly suggest not taking any expensive valuables. Whilst we have never had a security issue at the School, players do leave/forget things and taking valuable items is not recommended. All players should bring a mobile phone, but we don’t recommend bringing the latest model! Players will not be allowed to use their phone overnight.
